Sunday, June 1, 2014

My Weight Loss Journey: Day 20

I enjoyed my day fellowshipping with my Destiny Christian Church Family. I am very happy that this is the second chaotic Sunday that I was able to intake both of my Protein Shakes. I am also developing more self control as I walk on this journey. For example, I went to Golden Corral for lunch with my hubby, and when you look below, you will see that I made healthy food choices. This was a major accomplishment for me because the "Old Tyra" would've eaten a bit of everything, just because it was accessible to me. I am very proud of myself! I look forward to many more positive accomplishments. :-) 


Herbalife Protein Shake
1 Multivitamin Tablet
1 Cell Activator Tablet
16 oz of Water


Baked Fish
Green Beans
Lima Beans 
Steamed Cabbage
Steamed Cauliflower
Steamed Broccoli
1 Multivitamin Tablet
48 oz of Water


Herbalife Protein Shake
16 oz of Peach Herbal Tea Concentrate
16 oz of Water
1 Multivitamin Tablet
1 Cell Activator Tablet


30 minutes on Treadmill (Burned 400 Calories)
25 Sit Ups

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