Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Weight Loss Journal: Day 16

Today I had to overcome many feelings. I am not feeling well and I was very tired and sluggish through out the day. Normally when I encounter these feelings, I lay around a lot and do not exercise. However, I pushed and I went to the fitness center to exercise. I Am Determined to Reach My Weight Loss Goal; I Am Pressing Towards My Mark! :-) 


2 Scrambled Egg Beaters w/ 1 Slice of Cheese
2 Turkey Sausage Patties
Fruit Salad
Apple Juice
8 oz of Water
1 Multivitamin Tablet
1 Cell Activator Tablet


Herbalife Personalized Protein Shake
16 oz of Water
1 Multivitamin Tablet
1 Cell Activator Tablet


Salad w/ 2 Slices of Turkey Breast
Lite Ranch Dressing
Baked Beans
24 oz of Water


Herbalife Personalized Protein Shake
1 Multivitamin Tablet
16 oz of Water


30 minutes of Cardio on Treadmill
25 Sit Ups

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