Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My Weight Loss Journal Day 8

Today, is Day 8 and I am very excited about my 7 Day Results! Losing 4 lbs is great news and I am looking forward to shedding the pounds away, while becoming a Healthier me through Great Nutrition!


Protein Shake w/ Fresh Frozen Fruit added
1 Multivitamin Tablet 
1 Total Control Tablet
1 Aminogen Tablet
1 Cell Activator Tablet
1 Cell-U-Loss Tablet
16 oz of Water


1 Cup of Fresh Greens
Greek Yogurt
Fruit Salad
1 Cup of Fresh Spinach
1/2 Cup Rice Crispies
8 oz of 1% Milk
16 oz of Water


Protein Shake w/ Fresh Fruit added
1 Multivitamin Tablet
1 Aminogen Tablet
1 Cell Activator Tablet
1 Cell-U-Loss Tablet
1 Total Control Tablet
16 oz of Water


1 Piece of Baked Fish
2 cups of Broccoli w/ 1 Slice of Cheese
1/2 Boiled Potato
1 Cup of Fresh Green Beans
16 oz of Water
1 Multivitamin Tablet
1 Total Control Tablet
1 Cell-U-Loss Tablet


25 Squats
25 Sit ups
Walked 2 miles around Lake Elkhorn

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